Saturday, December 17, 2011

More dorado...

On Friday 16th December 2011, Michael, Hannes and I launched “Lihann” off Richards Bay. The sea was very unsettled but we managed to get out to 500m. We put out a basic spread of lures and worked an area that looked promising. About an hour later, we managed to hook a dorado of about 9kg which found its way into the hatch.

A few hours without a strike, we made a shallow turn and were rewarded with a nice wahoo of about 12kg. We persevered until 2pm without another touch before upping lines and heading home.

The next day, we launched again. The conditions were picture perfect. Flat seas, no wind, good current. Everything looked promising. We trolled between the many boats but failed to raise a fish. At about 11am, we caught a dorado followed shortly after by another. The day was rounded off with one more dorado before we upped lines.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

With wings...

On Sunday 11th December 2011 at about 6:30am, my Dad, At and I launched “AVANTI” at Vidal. After earning our wings in the surf, we stopped on the backline to catch a few maasbanker, just in case. After getting a few, we put out the marlin lures and headed north.

There was no action and by noon, we decided to head back to the point. In 350m, At saw a single white bird dipping on the surface. He turned towards it and moments later a nice dorado came charging in and ate the left long lure. After a quick fight, with some good jumps next to the boat, I brought in a 14kg bull dorado which At gaffed. We trolled to the backline without any other action, but still a great day.