Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Mid-week daga

A nice daga on light tackle
On Wednesday 3rd July at 18:30, Hansie, Terence, Ruben and I launched off Richards Bay. We were hoping to get Ruben his first daga salmon. It was still very early in the season, so we did not have our hopes too high. We stopped on one of our old faithful numbers and put the anchor down.
We waited about half an hour before we started getting shad but soon, we all had a livie in the water. Now the fish just needed to find us. There seemed to be very little action and by 9:30 none of the boats had bites. It seemed as if it was going to be a bust, but we thought we would give it another hour or so and then pack up.

I had put my light spinning rod in the holder for a while so I was keeping an eye on the tip. At one point, I thought I saw it bump differently to the normal swell action. I picked up the rod and felt the lightest of taps, almost like the shad was revving. I waited a second of two then wound up. To my surprise, the rod bent over and I was tight onto a fish. It want on a short run, shaking its head on a regular basis. I could not put too much pressure on it with the light line, but after a 15minute fight, I finally had a nice 18kg daga in the boat.

I was out for the rest of the night as I had my one fish limit, but the guys could still fish on. Despite fishing for another hour, there were no more bites so we packed up and headed home.