Sunday, December 5, 2004

Lets Begin

My name is Jonathan Booysen. I am an avid deep sea fisherman living in Richards Bay, South Africa. I have fished off Richards Bay for more than 25 years now. Considering I am now 33, it is safe to say that I spend most of my free time on the water. Over the years, I have been fortunate to fish with some exceptional anglers and have incorporated some of their techniques into my own style of fishing.

In 1996 I started keeping a journal of every fishing trip that I went on. I would record things like current direction, water colour and temperature, swell size, cloud cover, fishing area, bait/lure used, wind direction and strength, quantity, size and species of fish caught … you know, the usual information that fishermen will look at when judging their chances of catching something in the area they have decided to fish.

As time marched on, I began to get a bit slack when it came to updating the journal. I would make up excuses why I should not fill it in. Most of the time it came down to being too tired from the days fishing. “I’ll do it tomorrow” was the best phrase I used to convince myself that it was ok to leave the “chore” until the next day. As the saying goes, “from postponing comes canceling” and that is exactly what happened. I fell out of the routine and as a result I have several years outstanding from my journal.

Any how, looking back at these records the other day I decided it might be a good idea to start updating the book again. While I was about it, I would blog about what happened and share it with who ever would like to hear about it.

So here goes...

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